Saturday, October 26, 2013


I LOVE the END of a run or END of a workout!  
My friend Vicki and I ran the Colton's 5K last Saturday.  We both took 3rd place in our age group.  My time was 26:10. 
Halee and her friend Maddie and Jarrett ran the fun run.  It was a cold morning, but we had a good time. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


I love having chickens!!  I think everyone should have a few.  They are so fun to watch.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

#5 Love

Slippers!! I love slippers.  I'm like Mr. Rogers, I come in and take off my outside shoes and put on my slippers.  I have summer time flip flop slippers & winter time slippers.  I have more slippers than shoes.  

Thursday, October 3, 2013


I love seeing new calves that are born healthy and without assistance. 
(Especially when Kelly's out of town). It makes me happy when I'm able to tag, weigh, give vaccine to calf without mamma wanting to kill me. 

#3 Fall Decorations

I love driving up to my house and seeing my fall decorations.  It makes me smile every single time. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#2 ~ Sunsets

I love sunsets.  I believe my Heavenly Father creates them as if to say, "I love you"!  
How can you look at all the beauty in the sky and not believe their is a God in heaven?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


This month I'm going to post things that I love, things that make me smile, simple little things that just make me HAPPY!!!  (There is no particular order to this. I won't be spotlighting the obvious; husband, children etc).
#1.  Lean Cuisine Salads make me happy! They are not only delicious but, fast & filling!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Annual Amish Auction

About 10 miles North of Wapanucka, is a small Amish community in the town of Clarita.  I have always been fascinated with the Amish and look forward to the second Saturday of September which is the annual Amish Auction.  An estimated 10,000 people will travel to attend one of the most popular auctions in the state.  The Amish School Auction, Crafts & Antique Show includes a bake sale, farm equipment, livestock, tack, crafts, antiques and collectibles.  Horses, poultry, farm-related items, vendors, and plenty of homemade baked goods of every kind.   

We started the morning early going to all the yard sales.  I scored!  I got cookbooks, books, roaster oven, table & chair (for the barn) several other good finds.

It's hard to describe all the cars and people.  Main street in Wapy is turned into a large (JUNK) sale.  I did find me a cask iron skillet!  (I can't wait to make cornbread in it)!  Kelly found........well, I'll let the picture do the talking.  Keep in mind car after car after bus, and here's Kelly walking with his new toy down Main St, we got a few looks........Only in small town USA.

 I was thinking about buying this tie-dyed chickens, but I will only eat white eggs. J

Despicable Me 2

Last week everyone but Kelly got the stomach flu.  It starting Sunday with Jarrett and everyday last week at least one or two kids stayed home from school.  By Friday I was ready leave my sick infected house and go anywhere.  Jarrett had been to see Despicable Me 2 with a friend and loved it & wanted me to see it.  It just happened to be playing at the Caddo, OK. theater.   (We used to live in Caddo, when we first moved to Oklahoma.  It a small little town about 20 miles from Wapanucka).  Halee, Jarrett and I went to see the movie.  I LOVED it, we all did.  I judge a movie by how long I can stay awake.  I couldn't believe but I stayed awake through the whole darn thing.  I give the movie a strong 10.  Why can't Hollywood make more movies for families?  It was refreshing to go to a movie with no bad language or sex.  If you haven't seen it I high recommend it.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Can't believe it is September!   So here's the low down on August. 

 Lots of burning brush piles.  Lots of picking up rocks and sticks so Kelly could disk.  Lots of cow working days.  Halee started early morning seminary, starts at 6am Monday - Friday.  (Teacher lives in Norman, OK. and teaches kids that live out in the sticks, like us). 
  Kelly found baby bunny's.  Jarrett lost tooth #3.  Hauled cows to and from lease pastures.  Duck Dynasty season 4 started, which makes us all HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!
Fishing, softball games, Halee wanting to drive EVERYWHERE we go!  More cattle working!
Looking forward to all the September has in store for us, hopefully lots of rain, and cooler temperatures. 

School Board Conference 2013

Every August all the Oklahoma school board members meet in Oklahoma City for a 3 day conference.  I don't really look forward to it, and almost talk myself out of going every year, but, once I get there I always enjoy it.  I left Thursday afternoon and stopped in Ada to get my hair done by my good friend Natalie.  (I love to see her and miss her living just down the road).  Then I headed to the OKC temple to do a session. It was wonderful!  I left the temple at 9:30pm.  I was starving, and kept thinking I would see somewhere right off the freeway.  I never did and got to the hotel around 10.  I ordered room service, and oh, my my it was GOOD!  I enjoyed the time alone with my food & the remote control.   The hotel was extremely nice and comfortable.
Kelly and the kids came to the city to attend the annual Express Ranch Sale, I chose not to meet up with them after the conference on Friday.  (I had a nap and then went shopping)!
I attended several educational classes.  My favorite was "The Leader in Me"  It is based on teaching students the principles found in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey.  I plan on sharing what I learned and hopefully we can use it in our school. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Weaning Calves

Today we weaned calves. It was the perfect day!  We got .3" of rain last night that settled the dust.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL, high today was 78.  Every calf was weighed, got 3 shots, tattoo checked (a few months ago we tattooed (inside both ears) the animals registration number).
#goodtobedone #everyonehadajob #lovemyfamily #lovemycountrylife

The 3 Little Piggy's

Our ward is having a Luau and Kelly was supplying the pig.  Just in time, Luau is tomorrow night.

Monday, August 12, 2013

True or False?

Do roosters only crow in the morning? 

Answer:  FALSE
I have one rooster, that stupid thing crows ALL DAY LONG!   I’m putting rooster noodle soup on the menu!  I’ll let you know how it is.  :)
#lovehavingchickens #fresheggs

Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Day of School 2013

School started a little earlier this year, because we are going to a 4 day week!  NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!!  WOOHOO! 

Halee is a FRESHMAN.
Carlee is in the 6th grade.  Her teacher this year is Mrs. Thompson.  I asked Carlee if she thought she was going to like her and she replied, “I’m going to LOVE her, she is funny and has common sense.” 

Jarrett is in the 2nd grade, his teacher is Mrs. Williams.

#loveourlittleschool #excellentteachers

Taylor Swift……FINALLY!!

The girls have been wanting to go to a Taylor Swift concert for years!  I surprised them with tickets for their birthdays!   We had a fabulous time!  I got them out of school at noon.  We ate in Atoka, then headed to Tulsa.  We did a little shopping and got pedicures.  The concert was A.MAZ.ING!  Taylor puts on more of a musical movie than a concert.   I loved spending the day with my girls!!
#memoriesmade #RED #latenight #glitter

Vacation Time!

If I could have imagined my idea of a as perfect as possible family vacation, I just experience it!!  Our family went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in July.  It was everything I had hope it would be!  

Day One:  BEACH DAY& RESORT DAY!  Kids had never before been to a beach.  The temperature was a perfect 75-80 degrees.  (Oklahoma temperature was 100+ with humility).  

Halee made these darling collages for her blog...........THANKS HALEE!!!  

We stay at the Now Larimar Resort; it was everything I had hoped! Beautiful, clean, friendly service, new!   The one and only complaint I had was the food…..I love to eat and was so looking forward to pigging out.  The food wasn’t what we are used to.  The American food wasn’t up to my (low) standards.   We couldn’t wait to get to a Texas Roadhouse.